Take your Chumash learning up a level and review Chumash and Rashi in a structured program.
Learn each week’s Parshas Hashavua with Rashi, take a weekly test and earn a cash stipend. It’s that simple!
Join the many adult lomdim who have found that the accountability of taking tests regularly helps motivate them to keep on schedule, review and retain their learning.
Like any learning program with a set schedule and accountability, your learning will be more disciplined, your chazarah more effective and your progress measurable.
The weekly test will be emailed to you every Motzaei Shabbos. They will then be graded and entered into our confidential database.
All participants who maintain an 80% average on their tests, will receive a $100 stipend at the completion of each sefer.
Who was this program designed for?
The program was designed for Bnei Torah who want to motivate themselves with an accountability program to improve their learning. It is open to men over the age of 22.
Why Chumash and Rashi?
With so many commitments – learning and otherwise – it is easy to neglect, fall behind or rush through learning Chumash and Rashi. Many have found that committing to a structured program with accountability is an excellent way to stay on schedule and raise their level of learning and retention.
Why the stipends?
While we realize the modest stipends are not the reason participants will join the program, it adds a level of formality which we believe will help participants stay committed to the program.
What is the format of the weekly tests?
It is a multiple-choice test, in Lashon Hakodesh, on that week’s Chumash and Rashi. (There will not be questions on ‘Dikduk’ Rashis.) The multiple-choice format will make the test easy to take and easy to administer.
How will the tests be distributed and returned?
Participants will receive an email each Motzaei Shabbos with a link to take the test online. The tests must be submitted by 10am Sunday morning. Tests will be graded and reported to you as well as entered into our database. (There will be a PDF option included in the email for those whose internet filters will not allow the online test.) Of course, all info is confidential.
Who is eligible for the stipend?
Participants who maintain an 80% average over each sefer will be paid a stipend at the end of the sefer.
Are there any other requirements to take the tests and earn the stipends?
The only other requirement besides maintaining an average of 80% is to learn each pasuk and Rashi during the week of that parsha. Specifically, the Chumash and Rashi can be learned any time from the previous Shabbos up until the test is distributed on Motzaei Shabbos. This will prevent those who know/remember the Chumash and Rashi from before from simply taking the test without learning it that week.
How do I sign up/apply to join?
Simply fill out the following short application by clicking here. There is no fee or commitment necessary to join. Of course, all info will be kept confidential.
Please fill out this form and we will get back to you shortly.